QQI Level-6 Training Needs Identification & Design
Thi course is aimed at those in organisations with responsibilities for training and development or planning to become involved in same, or for those who wish to develop their knowledge and competence in training design and delivery either independently or while working in an organisation.
This QQI Level-6 training is aimed to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to identify training and development needs at an organisation and/or individual level, to devise a training plan, and to explore the scope of training and development design to meet those needs.
The programme provides a solid introduction to main concepts and theories of training design as well as most modern training design methods and tools.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- Examine the internal and external environmental factors influencing training and development requirements
- Differentiate between the concepts of learning, training, development and education
- Examine the purpose of training and development in an organisational and/or individual setting
- Outline the benefits of training needs’ analysis at an organisational and/or individual level
- Assess a range of approaches and techniques to conduct a training needs’ analysis
- Outline the stages in conducing a training needs’ analysis
- Assess a range of Instructional System Design (ISD) models
- Apply a comprehensive range of specialised skills and tools in identifying the barriers to training and attitudes to training in an organisation
- Devise a training plan based on prioritised training needs to include a cost benefit analysis
- Design a training intervention, that incorporates a range of design factors to include trainees, adult learning theories, motivation theories, objectives, exercises, training methods, learning aids, location and facilities
- Develop appropriate training content and materials using a range of learning aids to include web-based facilities, software, flipcharts and handouts
- Evaluate a range of performance management approaches in the context of identifying training and development needs
- Conduct a Training Needs’ Analysis (TNA) to identify training and development needs for an organisation and/or individual
- Identify TNA outcomes in terms of gaps in knowledge, skills and attitudes
Course Content
- Training & Development (T&D) - Definition & Benefits
- Strategic Approach - T&D alignment with Business Goals
- Adult learning pedagogies
- Identify training gaps & KSA
- Performance management and Training Needs Identification (TNI)
- Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Process
- TNA & Instructional Design System
- Structuring training plan
- Measuring impact of training intervention
Course Assessment
All assessments are carried out in accordance with QQI regulations:
- Assignment 1: 20%
- Assignment 2: 20%
- Project Work: 60%
Award in Training Needs Identification & Design (QQI Component Award 6N3325)